Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Break

Holla, ye bloggers! Christmas Break is finally here, and I have quite a bit of spare time to spend at coffee shops facebooking and blogging. My first day back home was not the greatest, however; I went down to Ohio a couple days ago to drop off a friend who lives on my floor and to pick up my friend Billy from his college and bring him back home, and my mom wasn't too happy about it. College kids always joke about how poor they are because of school, right? Well, as soon as I got home and unloaded my van, my mom proceeded to tell me how poor our family actually is right now, how the economy is getting worse, and how I shouldn't just drive around everywhere whenever I feel like it, because my van isn't exactly new, along with a few other things about how I should've informed her better on what I had planned to do. Needless to say, she's not letting me go help at Follow the Star this weekend (a giant living nativity that Center Lake puts on all weekend free of charge for the public). I felt like a little kid who got caught being bad. I also realized why keeping some of my scholarships at Spring Arbor is REALLY important....

On a different note, I am excited for the rest of break. I am planning on using my spare time more wisely than I normally do by spending it in the Word and in prayer. I also am planning on working on music a lot: practicing guitar and piano and maybe even writing a little music. Check up on me and ask me how I'm doing with all that sometime. That'd be great.

Also on a different note, I finally went and changed my major a couple weeks ago. I am now officailly a Retreats and Camping Ministries major. WOOT. Still getting some stuff worked out for next semester, but things are looking pretty good so far.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Major changes. Literally.

Well, Thanksgiving Break was interesting. Saw my real dad for the first time since I was a toddler. Had two Thanksgiving dinners. It all went well, though. Had some friends come in from out of town while I was home that I haven't seen in a while. Even with how fun it all was, I still am really glad to be back at Spring Arbor. I've been really thinking about changing my major, and I think it's going to happen at this point. Right now I'm a Worship Arts major, and I'm thinking of changing over to Retreats and Camping Ministries. I set up a four-year plan to look at what classes I would be taking, and R & C actually has at least TWICE as many bible and religion courses as Worship Arts does...which surprised me a lot, since that's what I wanted in Worship Arts. I still need to talk to my advisor about it; I e-mailed him about setting up an appointment, and I'll see him tomorrow, so that should work out soon.

I was disappointed tonight, but it shouldn't be that much of a surprise I guess. A whole group of worship arts/ministry guys were watching Signs in their room with a girl...with the door closed AND after open hours was over. For real, guys? Those are two of the easiest rules to keep, and you don't feel like obeying them because the RA is gone and you don't feel like just watching it on a laptop somewhere else. Awesome. Anyways, that should be all I say, lest I get too angry. I just think it's lame.

I bought a new book this weekend. "The Penguin of Death." Pretty much the best five dollars I've ever spent. You should read it sometime.