Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Break

Holla, ye bloggers! Christmas Break is finally here, and I have quite a bit of spare time to spend at coffee shops facebooking and blogging. My first day back home was not the greatest, however; I went down to Ohio a couple days ago to drop off a friend who lives on my floor and to pick up my friend Billy from his college and bring him back home, and my mom wasn't too happy about it. College kids always joke about how poor they are because of school, right? Well, as soon as I got home and unloaded my van, my mom proceeded to tell me how poor our family actually is right now, how the economy is getting worse, and how I shouldn't just drive around everywhere whenever I feel like it, because my van isn't exactly new, along with a few other things about how I should've informed her better on what I had planned to do. Needless to say, she's not letting me go help at Follow the Star this weekend (a giant living nativity that Center Lake puts on all weekend free of charge for the public). I felt like a little kid who got caught being bad. I also realized why keeping some of my scholarships at Spring Arbor is REALLY important....

On a different note, I am excited for the rest of break. I am planning on using my spare time more wisely than I normally do by spending it in the Word and in prayer. I also am planning on working on music a lot: practicing guitar and piano and maybe even writing a little music. Check up on me and ask me how I'm doing with all that sometime. That'd be great.

Also on a different note, I finally went and changed my major a couple weeks ago. I am now officailly a Retreats and Camping Ministries major. WOOT. Still getting some stuff worked out for next semester, but things are looking pretty good so far.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Major changes. Literally.

Well, Thanksgiving Break was interesting. Saw my real dad for the first time since I was a toddler. Had two Thanksgiving dinners. It all went well, though. Had some friends come in from out of town while I was home that I haven't seen in a while. Even with how fun it all was, I still am really glad to be back at Spring Arbor. I've been really thinking about changing my major, and I think it's going to happen at this point. Right now I'm a Worship Arts major, and I'm thinking of changing over to Retreats and Camping Ministries. I set up a four-year plan to look at what classes I would be taking, and R & C actually has at least TWICE as many bible and religion courses as Worship Arts does...which surprised me a lot, since that's what I wanted in Worship Arts. I still need to talk to my advisor about it; I e-mailed him about setting up an appointment, and I'll see him tomorrow, so that should work out soon.

I was disappointed tonight, but it shouldn't be that much of a surprise I guess. A whole group of worship arts/ministry guys were watching Signs in their room with a girl...with the door closed AND after open hours was over. For real, guys? Those are two of the easiest rules to keep, and you don't feel like obeying them because the RA is gone and you don't feel like just watching it on a laptop somewhere else. Awesome. Anyways, that should be all I say, lest I get too angry. I just think it's lame.

I bought a new book this weekend. "The Penguin of Death." Pretty much the best five dollars I've ever spent. You should read it sometime.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hi again!

Heh, it's been almost two weeks since I last posted.

Things have been going pretty well since my last post. I've been working this week in particular on making more time for schoolwork and Bible study, and it's been working! I'm really glad that our school play is finally over so that I have more time at night to do stuff, as well.

Thanksgiving is coming up soon, so I think I'll take a little time to inform you of why my Thanksgiving is going to be very out of the ordinary for myself this year. At the beginning of this past summer, one of my friends from church and her mom came up to me after church one Sunday and asked me if I remembered this one girl that I was friends with on Facebook named Kamie. I had added her because apparently she had visited the church a couple times with my friend. I was actually planning on maybe deleting her soon because I really didn't remember her at all...but they told me that she was actually my cousin! This is where things got intense. My real parents divorced when I was a toddler, and I stayed with my mom. Apparently, Kamie was my cousin on my DAD's side of the family. Our family basically separated from theirs for the rest of my life, and I had never known any of them except for who I could remember from when I was a toddler. I started talking with Kamie online, and soon discovered that I had nearly 30 other cousins living within about a 2-hour radius of my own home...that I never even knew EXISTED! THAT was intense. Kamie got me more up to speed on things on the other side of my family, and I talked about things on "my" side of the family.

At the very end of the summer, my friend Nicki, the one that first told me about Kamie, told me about a surprise party for a couple's 50th wedding anniversary from our church, who I am apparently legally related to, and that it was going to be at Kamie's house. I ended up going, without having told my mom about ANYTHING that I had learned of my newfound family OR where I was going specifically. I hung out with Kamie and her family for a good while, and talked with them about seeing them again. They even invited me to their Thanksgiving dinner this year, which is what this post is about. I went home, and eventually told my mom later that week about all that had transpired. She told me about everything that had happened between our families back in the day, and that she was happy that I had connected with Kamie's family specifically. If you're curious about all that stuff, I don't have any problems with telling you, but I don't feel like telling the whole world about it on here.

So, with all that background information, I will hopefully be having TWO Thanksgiving dinners this year. I will probably be going to Kamie's family dinner first, since they are starting earlier in the day, and then coming to my "regular" family's dinner right afterward. I don't know how many people in my family know about this other than my mom, so it will be interesting...if you could maybe ask God to soften my family's hearts about this, that would be great!

I'll hopefully get some motivation to post again this weekend to give you all something to read in your spare time, haha.

The Michigan/Ohio State game is today. I went and watched a little bit of it at the beginning because I was excited from everyone else's excitement, and then I remembered why I don't really watch sports and left. Boring.

I think I'm going to go hang out with my Uncle Wookiee today. Talk at you later!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Journal Entry 1

So, I mentioned in my last post that I had kept a journal for a while last semester. It was basically just writing down stuff that God had shown me so I could remember it later, word for word. This is my first one; I wrote it into my journal on March 22, 2008, but it was something that God had shown me a little while before that. Here it is:

"Singleness is actually a good thing! God gave you a time to be single so that you can grow closer to Him without complicating matters with a relationship in which you are confused about where you stand with Him. The ultimate goal of a relationship should not be a relationship in itself, but to further grow in and glorify Him! If you are not ready for this, then you are not ready for a lasting, fulfilling, God-centered relationship."

Now I can add a little side note: it applies to BOTH sides of the relationship. Just because one person is ready, it doesn't mean the other is as well.

As much as I would like to be in a Godly relationship right now, I know I am not quite ready just yet. I have a difficult time letting things go and moving on, which is no good. I had a horrible time with it at the beginning of this school year, and it was ruining my life...kind of literally. I had lost joy, contentment, and much of my desire to even be at Spring Arbor, at least for a while, and my roommate was getting dang sick of it, haha. I was miserable enough to rediscover a little depression. My next journal entry talks a little about my first experience with it.

Anyways, I'm still tired. I keep getting more and more tired every day, even though my sleep habits aren't really bad. Maybe it's just the thought of our school play and lame assignments coming up. Whatevs.

I'm getting kind of tired of school, and I'm somewhat unsure about being a Worship Arts major at this point. Yay.



So, this evening, myself, Ben Rupp, and Daniel Eads took a trip out to Jackson (and no, we weren't going to Appleebees OR Wal Mart!). We just went and walked around town and asked God to give us opportunities to serve and share the Gospel. We ended up praying for an old lady out on her porch, and left a note for a guy at a diner. We also went out to the Interfaith Shelter, but apparently it was too late at night for us to pick up a shift and help out. We also got kind of threatened and yelled at once or twice from passing cars...and decided it might be better to do this in the day next time. It was a good time.

I could really use prayer for strength and perserverance, by the way. If you want to know anything more specific than that, ask or something.

I have officially reached the age where I can say that I see some of my friends MY age getting MARRIED, and yet I am completely single. Woot. God has given me some wisdom on singularity in the past that's really sweet. I wrote some stuff down in my journal last, last semester was the only time in my life that I've really ever done any journaling, and it was good stuff...maybe I should work on that.

I'm tired. Go figure.

There is a Bingo chip sitting on my desk in front of me...I haven't played Bingo in years.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Construction Zone

So, lately God has been working on my heart in a different way than I have been expecting or even praying for. He's been putting things on my heart, like giving and serving, that I haven't been giving much attention in my life as of late. One of my good friends here at Spring Arbor is struggling with some financial issues right now, and God has REALLY put it on me to help. God has been giving me a growing desire (and joy in that desire) to give more of my own resources more often, and has been helping me to worry less and less about money. However, I know that I still have a long way to go with that, especially since I haven't faced any REAL financial struggles yet. Right now I feel like a construction zone, which is a really good thing. It hasn't only been in these areas (not by a long shot), but these are the things that have caught me a little more off-guard, and I wanted to share them.

I am ridiculously tired right now. This past weekend at camp was sweet, but I didn't sleep much, and now I'm paying for it. This week is also our school's production of "Baptist," so I really need to get caught up on my sleep if I'm going to be playing guitar for it.

Night all.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In preparation for the upcoming weekend

Well, I've been to two practices so far for the upcoming play, and now I understand why my other friends who are in it have no lives. It kind of sucks your life away. Lame.

The busy week is almost over. I've finished an audio project, sang for the Board of Trustees, and practiced for the play next weekend. Tomorrow I am singing in a vocal music lab, and then WE BE GONE! That's right, tomorrow is Center Lake Bible Camp's annual staff reunion, and I'm driving up a bunch of my homies in the Man Van. I won't be posting anything until at least Sunday evening, so this is my last for now.

I'm tired.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Postponed, for now

Well, I seriously lack motivation tonight to write a long story about last summer at Center Lake. I've been writing a lot today on peoples' notes and statuses about politics and the Bible and it's worn me out. Ugh. Too many people are way too freaked out about this right now. I got tagged in a note that talked about how this pastor was told by God before the election that Obama would be the most ungodly president yet and persecution against Christians would start and that there would be "horrible negative effects on the Gospel throughout the world." I wrote out this big ol' discourse about why I disagreed strongly with some stuff that he was saying, and then accidentally exited off the page and lost it...of course. Didn't bother to rewrite it; it was dang long. Obama may or may not be the most ungodly president what? Persecution against Christians may or may not start that a completely bad thing? Horrible negative effects on the Gospel...really? You mean, like in countries like China and others where Christians are persecuted, and the church is GROWING because of it? Ugh. Do we really think that just because we live in America we will be able to escape it forever? I have friends who are just waiting for the persecution to come, haha.

UGH. I am justdisappointed in peoples' attitudes. A bunch of my other friends have already addressed this issue, so I won't make you listen to more.

Blah. Let's live for the kingdom coming. Anyone with me?

Busy Week

Man, I will be very happy when this week is finally over, and not only because of the STAFF REUNION at camp this weekend...although that is a large part of it, haha. I have a lot to do this week before that. I think I am officially "in" as the acoustic guitar player for our school's production of "Baptist" (ask me about it sometime if you want to know what it's about), which means I'll have to be at a lot of their practices these next two weeks. I'm also singing a solo for a Board of Trustees meeting this Thursday...still kind of unsure how that's going to turn out....AND I have to do a project for my radio production class, which I am not happy about, because the audio lab hours are weird...anyways, enough of me being selfish and complaining; this will just help me to manage my time better.

Politics: I love Jesus. The end.

Anyways, short post tonight; I need to spend some good time with God and in His Word before I go to bed. I'll hopefully have time to post the third part of my Center Lake story tomorrow.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Grampa C-But and the King of the Wild Frontier

Wow, that could be a great story title...anyways, I wanted to use this time in the middle of my Center Lake story to share with you my two favorite nicknames, Grampa C-But and Casey Butler: King of the Wild Frontier, and how I came by them.

So, during my second summer working at camp, I was sitting with a table of my campers. I said "Hi," or something to D-Wag as he passed by, and my little junior campers wanted to know why I called him that. I explained that we all call him D-Wag because his name is Dan Wagner; we just take the first letter of his first name, part of his last name, and stick them together to make a new one. Foolish as I was, I decided to give them an example. "If you did that with my name, it would be C-But." Keep in mind, these were junior campers. Dumb idea. I tried to tell them not to tell anyone vain. I was officially C-But as soon as the words left my mouth. It was lame...but I got over it. Now, fast-forwarding to the after-camp part of the summer: a group of us, led by my Uncle Wookiee (we ALL have weird names at camp, don't we!?), took a trip up to Neebish Island for a few days. During that time, I found a closet in the cottage we were staying in that contained a bunch of old clothes 'n' stuff. I proceeded to put on said old clothing, hike up my knee socks, grab a cane, and pretend that I was everyone's grampa in front of a camera (yes, there is video footage of this). The "grampa" label was put on the front of C-But, and thus Grampa C-But was created. Before that summer, I had actually informally adopted my two friends Matt and Jon as my grandsons anyway, since their grandparents live far away. Last year I adopted the entire floor of Ormston 3 as my grandsons as well. Except for Jon Wills and Travis Traxler; they're my sons.

ANYWAYS....the story of how I became the King of the Wild Frontier is somewhat simpler. Basically, my friend Mike Johnson (Canadian-Arab-Christian-camp counselor/storyteller extraordinaire-Moose brother) discovered one day that my name fit perfectly in Davy Crockett's theme song...and also that I had fought rocks and trees and clouds and leaves and birds and snakes and flowers and bees and beetles and bugs and Volkswagens and rakes and spoons and forks and sporks and knives and SHARP knives and bowls and plates and deers and mooses and saskaskewans and nessies and krakens and Jacks and Joels and Pats and Mikes and Kiels and Wookiees and ZOMBEHS and rabbits and squirrels and chipmunks and non-existent woodchucks and mustaches and FAKE mustaches and GREAT BIG BUSHY BEARDS and Simeons and common sense and boulders and grass and shrubs and bears and lobsters and dinosaurs and lakes and ponds and streams and oceans and the seven seas and deserts and forests and mountains and hills and movies and run-on sentences and the English language and ravens and crows and scarecrows and dogmans and the Cochranes dogs and cats and tortoises and wild raspberries and woodchips and birch bark and foul creatures and my own fear of the dark and Flesheaters and Pokemon and campers and counselors and SMTs and lazy core staff and Monkey Kings and trends and hardcore dancers and black socks and rated R movies in the staff lounge and Pride and Prejudice and television in general and Tennesee and sand and raptors and Gollums and t-rexes and pterodactyls and Transformers and Chuck and Jeff Kassuba and grounds and dirts and arks and boulderins walls and mosquitos and Neebish.

Mike enjoys breaking out into songs similar to that when he sees me.

So...yeah. That's about it, and it's so random that I don't really need to add anything to spice it up...haha.

By the way, I can't wait for the DANG election to be over already...and soon after it is, I won't be able to wait for all the COMPLAINING to be over with. Just thought I would share that.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Center Lake Bible Camp, part two

So, my senior year, I was old enough to apply for the counselor position at camp, technically "junior counselor," since I would have just graduated high school. Junior counselors basically are the same as "senior counselors," except they get paid less. Pretty much. I applied, got the position, and started an amazing summer. I was among a good group of counselors all my age and grade...which was awesome, yet unusual, for me since I was the only GUY in my graduating class of FOUR (yeah...small Christian school...) and I was the only kid in my grade in my church. Not to mention, half the people I was working with were good friends of mine from the previous summer, which made it even better (we joked about it because nearly the entire staff was made up of returnees, so it was like a camp reunion all summer long!). I learned a LOT that summer of how to counsel, what it means to really serve when things are getting rough, and how to listen to God's direction for my life. The good things came out of what seemed pretty bad at the time, however. The first four weeks of camp, I had junior campers (elementary-aged) while it seemed that everyone else got a good variety of ages...and each week felt like it was getting worse. The cabins in general would be really good, but there would always be the one or two...or three...that would cause enough trouble for the rest of the cabin. Things were going well between myself and God...but I was getting worn out FAST. During the fourth week, I was just about ready to be done. I was sad because I was one of the few counselors who got stuck with junior campers (once again) during senior high week. The way the week itself went didn't help; however, God fortunately had put me with Neil Blake as my co-counselor, and sent Dan Wagner (from here on referred to as D-Wag) as well to save me that week. By Thursday evening, I was completely exhausted. D-Wag saw while I was with my cabin, and took over for me with Neil for the rest of that night until our cabin campfires. He sent me back to my cabin after dinner and let me nap all the way through the evening game. That single nap, in combination with God's providence for me, saved that week. My energy was almost completely restored...and the next week afterward, I got a cabin of JUNIOR HIGHERS! Not only was it a different age group...BUT, my cabin was made up of kids from my church and really laid back, cool kids who knew how camp worked...AND Mike Carpenter, a very good friend of mine from back home, was my co-counselor...that week was amazing. The next week, I had junior campers again, but it was OK. God pretty much saved my summer.

After the regular camp season was over, I returned for a week during the rental camp season, where various church groups rent out the camp and pretty much run everything themselves, with help from summer camp staff who know how to run the camp equipment and have been counselors all summer. That week I grew even more in my relationship with God, and I was very in tune to what He wanted me to do. Also, those of us who were there became very well acquainted with the chapters in I Corinthians regarding spiritual gifts...speaking in tongues in particular...ask us about it sometime.

After that final week was over (and after a trip to Neebish Island up north with others of my camp family), I finally went home. This was soon before I left for Spring Arbor. Now, my mom had been trying to sell out home for most of the past year, since she got re-married and my step-dad lived in the next town over (you can ask me about that later as well, if you wish), and had been working on one of his rental houses for us all to move into. About two or three days before I came to Spring Arbor, we officially moved out of the town and house that I had spent nearly my entire life in, and then directly afterward I left again. I really felt like I had no home...that feeling didn't go away until probably the end of this last summer. My first year at Spring Arbor was definitely an interesting one, and most of the friends that I have now don't know much about my first semester...but that's a different story. During that fall and winter, I wasn't really sure at ALL if I was returning to Center Lake the next year...that's probably a surprise for most of my camp friends who may read this. Even with all of the good things that happened, I felt like I was totally inadequate as a counselor. I felt like I relied too much on my co-counselors all summer to lead the Bible studies, tell funny stories, handle conflicts within the cabin, etc... I really felt like there was no way that I could do as well as they had, or could handle the responsibility of leading the younger staff who would be somewhat under me, just as I was under the older staff. I'll continue that story later.

I went to a night of testimonies upstairs in the Ormston lounge this evening. We sang worship songs, gave and listened to testimonies, and took communion. There was also a time for confessions, and I ended up confessing some serious stuff that God put on my heart to speak up about...I didn't think I would be doing that when I went.

Anyways, I'm going to bed soon. Last night I didn't sleep very well, so the extra hour from the time change wasn't as amazing as I had hoped it would be.

By the way, I'm really dang glad that this auto-saves while I'm typing...I just tried posting this, and it totally failed and I thought I had lost it.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Center Lake Bible Camp, part one

So, for those of who you know little about it, I'm going to start sharing my camp history with you since it's had such a big impact on my life. I found Center Lake through my church, Calvary Baptist of Webberville, about when I started high school. I went the next two summers for a week each with my friends Matt and Jon, and it was amazing! I'd never been to a camp before, or away from my family and with just my friends for that long. Center Lake had so many fun things to do, and it was out in the wilderness, just where I like to be. The counselors that I had were really cool too; one of the cool things they did was sitting each of us down and having a talk with us about our lives and how we were doing with God at the time (which I later found out as staff that they are required to do, ha!). That always got me thinking about God more, which was a very good thing at that time.

During my second summer there, Jon started talking about working there next summer as an SMT, which stands for Summer Missions Team. We talked to one of the SMTs, Kiel Hamlet, about it, and it got both of us really interested. After we left and had been home for a while, we decided that we were going to apply for it. That winter, I filled out my application and sent it in, and in the spring I found out that I was accepted into the program (this was during my junior year, by the way)! However, Jon didn't get in, because he sent his application in too late, and I was going there for the summer mostly by myself, other than some friends that I had met at camp the previous summer.

At the beginnng, the SMT coordinator, Bri Simpkins, got all the SMTs together for a campfire, and we discussed our goals for the summer. I don't remember what mine was exactly, but I think it had to do with getting a lot closer to God over the summer.

After the camp season officially started, I found out that SMTs did a LOT of stuff around camp...and it was a volunteer position, so we didn't really get paid for it. Over the course of the summer, the SMTs would get to do a little bit of every other job that exists at camp: kitchen work, maintenance, housekeeping, and even a bit of counseling. It was a pretty fun summer overall. Near the very end of it, Bri sat us all down again and we discussed our goals at the beginning of the summer and if we had reached them. The sad part is, I was pretty much the only one who could honestly say that I hadn't really reached my goal, and that I hadn't even put much effort into accomplishing it. I was about the same leaving as I was when I had come. Realizing this was kind of rough. We used an analogy to describe this during the summer, and I found that it applied very well to myself: It's like a gas station. You can pull into somewhere where you can be filled, but if you just expect it to happen by itself, you're in for a surprise. If you're not making an effort to seek God out, you won't find Him. That was my lesson for the summmer. I left for my senior year of high school wanting to learn to follow God, which is a good thing to want, by the way.

That's year one in a nutshell. Now, back to the present: I will be reading through the letters of John today. I've been reading through them already, but I would like to spend today going over stuff, because they're really good. Also, I auditioned yesterday for our school play, "Baptist," and I think I am officially "in" as an acoustic guitar player. I'm happy about that, but I need to put some good practice time in for it, since it's coming up in only two weeks.

Hope y'all have a good weekend!


Sooo, I was just out half the night with some friends of mine making a movie, and I'm tired, so I'm going to bed now. I'll post tomorrow morning when I wake up.

No-shave November just started. Woot.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

More from 1 John

I've been reading I John, like I said yesterday. Backtracking to a passage I read a couple days ago, I realized that it was something that I needed to work on. It's 2:9-11: "Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling. But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes." Now, let me say right now that I do not HATE anyone on campus...however, I do feel as though one of my friendships here is starting to unravel because of my own lack of initiative. There has been a somewhat awkward situation going on between us, and I basically stopped going out of my way to go see my friend, and we just stopped hanging out because of it. I've had a lot of poor reasoning going on in my head: "Well, if me going to see him was the only thing holding us together as friends, then I guess our friendship wasn't that great." Some people might think that's a pretty good reason...but after thinking about it in light of that passage in I John, I don't think it is. I do want to hang out with him; he's a really good friend. Yet part of me wants to avoid him because of certain things. I was talking with my good friend Ben Rupp about this, and he agreed: although it might be good to have a little distance, I shouldn't be letting our friendship fall away. I'm glad God's given me a little insight on this through His Word and through my friends today. Just thought I would share that.

Heh, I though today I would start talking about my camp history, but that was before I caught on to what God was saying today. If anyone reading this wants to pray for me about this stuff, that would be great.

Today has been pretty productive in regards to homework as well. I'm giving my vocational speech on program directors tomorrow, and my interview with Don is basically the only thing I'm using...don't worry, it's fine, haha.

Tomorrow I have an audition for playing acoustic guitar for our school's upcoming show, "Baptist." I'm not sure how that's going to turn out just yet.

I tried out a Chuck Norris fact generator on my blog profile today. Unfortunately, it degenerated into dirtiness very quickly, so I had to get rid of it...sad.

Well, I should get going now...I still have a few things to do tonight.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Death and Taxes (just because it's a cool title)

WHOO! Today has been fairly busy. I ate with the Center Lake peeps (plus one and minus Wookiee, because he's sick...), and that was pretty much all the socializing I did today. I spent the rest of the day trying to get some work done, getting ready for Prop Shop worship (I'll explain for those who don't go to SAU), and spending some time in the Word. I read some of I John this afternoon. Good stuff. 3:2-3 is one passage that stuck out to me: "Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as He is pure." That is a sweet passage. We are God's children NOW, and what we WILL be has NOT YET appeared; but we know that when He appears we shall be like Him, BECAUSE we shall see Him AS HE IS. And everyone who thus hopes in Him PURIFIES himself as HE is pure. I like that.This is the first time that I've really noticed that promise. I read it and thought, "Hm. Where's my hope?" It's an interesting little thing: I know from personal experience that I shouldn't put my hope in my own plans that in the end are totally up to circumstance and God's own will; I need to be putting my hope in Him, His coming, His purifying power....

One of the things I worked on today was a short vocational speech that I have to give on Friday for my Communications class. I decided to call up Don Cochrane and interview him about his job as Center Lake's program director; I was pretty excited to learn about it from him, but it just makes me think more about what I'm going to do after I graduate...oh well. I'm tired of thinking about that stuff. That's something that I've been giving more and more to God, because honestly, at this point I really don't know where I'm going or what I'll be doing at the end of my time at Spring Arbor. If it were up to me, I would probably just end up doing something that pays the bills and that fits with my own talents and abilities so it's easier for me to handle...which isn't a bad thing I suppose, but I don't know if God would want me in a place where my own strengths can seemingly get me by...what if He would rather put me somewhere that challenges me and makes me rely more fully on Him and His strength? I won't presume to know what direction God is going to take me, but I can know that wherever He does take me, it's that way that's going to be the best option.

Anyways, about Prop Shop worship: it's basically just a worship night that the Worship Arts majors put on about once a month. I'm in one of the 2 groups that organizes and conducts them, so we were doing that for half of the afternoon.

Well, I am tired, so I'll try to wrap this up.

There's an amazing beat-boxer in the UK called Beardyman. Look up Monkey Jazz on Youtube.

I guess that's all for now. Goodnight.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kiwi berries

Today has been a good day. I've been actually getting some work done, but there's still a good bit left to go. I got interviewed by one of my freshman friends in regards to my study habits and stuff for here CORE 100 class, and I realized that I need BETTER study habits. I knew it was bad when she said it was making her feel better about HER study habits!

I've been wanting to really get into the Word and start studying like crazy, but I haven't had a lot of time...or at least it seems that way. Other things in my life are really going great right now, except for where my priorities are...I don't like it. Part of me feels like it would be better to just totally go monk for a week and exchange all my socializing for studying, both the Scriptures and my textbooks. I'm not sure how extreme I want to go with that haha, but I think it might be a plan. Thoughts?

My friend Dave Sellers told me about these amazing things called "kiwi berries." Apparently, they're like regular kiwi fruit, but roughly grape-sized and without fuzz...they sound really good, but apparently are out of season now...sad.

Anyways, I should get going...that studying thing is calling right now.

Tomorrow is Center Lake Wednesday! WOOT WOOT!

I think I might blog about Center Lake and my times there soon, for those following this who don't know much about it.

I like to move it-move it.


Monday, October 27, 2008

First one, here we go...

So, there I was, stranded in the middle of the world wide wilderness, with nothing but a keyboard and a mouse to my name...

I've had a lot of stuff going through my head lately: thoughts on college, God, friends, life in general, and I noticed that several of my good friends blog about this stuff, so I (being the follow-suiter that I am) decided to start my own blog. I've been wanting to write a lot of the stuff I'm thinking down, since many times I have some WICKED SWEET thing go through my head, and then it gets lost forever because it doesn't get recorded, or I have some amazing conversation with a friend that I want to retain for later, but, of course, I think I can remember it (because my memory is SO great *cough sarcasm cough*) and I still forget it. So here is my blog. I will probably start putting in old journal entries and notes of mine in this, because I want people to know some of the things that God has shown me in the past that have really changed me. I probably won't start with that just yet, because that would be a HUGE first blog post, haha.

Anyways, on to...other stuff. First on the agenda: I went on an AMAZING road trip this past weekend with my good friend Mike Carpenter out to Sawyer, Michigan. Some of you will know where that is; for the rest, look it up. Sorry. ANYways, we stayed at the Davis' house and were priveleged enough to hear Christy Davis' last public performance before she goes to Kyrgyzstan for 6 months, and it was SWEET. More importantly than the music, however, God was using the people around me to speak to me and to get me fired up again. This year started out really lame for myself, and I wasn't doing very well with spending quality time with God. He's been working on my heart about that, and this weekend was no exception. I've been having a terrible time prioritizing God above everything else that's going on, but He's really working in my heart and changing it for the better, which is AWESOME. God is pretty much the coolest person I know. Ever.

Second on the agenda (and this idea is one that I am somewhat copying from others, because I like it): some randomness and quotes from the day.

I discovered recently that the boxes that the baked pies at McDonald's come in are pretty sketchy. Buy one, read it, and you'll know why.

I just got a bunch of classical music from my friend Mark McGuire, and it's sweet.

I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm OK with that!

"There's NO LA-LA-LA's!!!" - John Glowacki in reference to "O Praise Him" by David Crowder...that was a good time.

Anyways, I guess that's all I can think of for now. I need to spend some much-needed time with my Saviour (and yes, I prefer to add the"u" in "Saviour") before I go to bed. Goodnight all!