Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Postponed, for now

Well, I seriously lack motivation tonight to write a long story about last summer at Center Lake. I've been writing a lot today on peoples' notes and statuses about politics and the Bible and it's worn me out. Ugh. Too many people are way too freaked out about this right now. I got tagged in a note that talked about how this pastor was told by God before the election that Obama would be the most ungodly president yet and persecution against Christians would start and that there would be "horrible negative effects on the Gospel throughout the world." I wrote out this big ol' discourse about why I disagreed strongly with some stuff that he was saying, and then accidentally exited off the page and lost it...of course. Didn't bother to rewrite it; it was dang long. Obama may or may not be the most ungodly president what? Persecution against Christians may or may not start that a completely bad thing? Horrible negative effects on the Gospel...really? You mean, like in countries like China and others where Christians are persecuted, and the church is GROWING because of it? Ugh. Do we really think that just because we live in America we will be able to escape it forever? I have friends who are just waiting for the persecution to come, haha.

UGH. I am justdisappointed in peoples' attitudes. A bunch of my other friends have already addressed this issue, so I won't make you listen to more.

Blah. Let's live for the kingdom coming. Anyone with me?


Kris Locker said...

i call dibbs on living for the kingdom.

Anonymous said...

I am excited to see how God stretches our country through different leadership then the stereotypical evangelical christian right. And maybe it will cause some of the Christians to finally get off their comfortable lazyboys and do work for the kingdom. If the early church were to hear how the christian majority is throwing hissy fits about how they didn't get their preferential person in their own government they would probably slap them with a two by four.

Alissa said...

Whole-heartedly, brother!