Thursday, February 16, 2012

More Mark

So, as I've said in some previous posts, I'm working through the book of Mark right now. Yesterday I was in chapter nine, which contains the account of Jesus healing a boy who is possessed by a spirit which made him mute and deaf, along with giving him convulsions. Poor kid. When the boy's father comes to Jesus asking for help, he expresses his belief that Jesus has the power to heal his son, but he still shows a little doubt. Jesus responds: "All things are possible for one who believes." The father exclaims after this, "I believe; help my unbelief!"

Wow. I've heard that phrase before, but I don't think I ever realised it originated in Scripture. I'm jealous of this man's faith and humility before Christ. He recognised his own unbelief, and wanted it gone; he wanted to believe with his whole heart, but at the same time knew he did not yet believe so strongly.

I know this man's situation well (not the part about having a possessed son). One of my most often used prayers is just this: "Jesus, change my heart so that I WANT to love You more." It's so easy to forget the spiritual warfare going on around me every day, the nearness of God, the love of Christ...sigh. Sometimes my own ignorance baffles me.

Well, in other news, I've finally landed a job, for those who read this and haven't heard yet. Starting next week, I'm going to be a park ranger with the Ingham County Parks Department. I'll be doing maintenance work throughout several dozen county parks around Lansing; primarily at Hawk Island County Park. Most of the work will be snow removal (if we get more...), trash duty, and mowing when it gets warmer. However, it's just a temporary job; the regular team will be re-hired in May, and I will probably be let go by June. I'm just happy to have a job, though, especially one which suits me so well. The pay is low, but I should have 35-40 hours every week, which will be great. If it does end in May, then I will also have an opportunity to get a summer job with the DNR, which I would also love.

Getting my foot in the door.


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