Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I think I need professional help...

So, I haven't posted in a while. That's ok. My new job is going very well, and I've been getting closer to God together with my roommate Justin. God has taught us so much by making us live together, haha.

Life is generally going quite well. I'm still working on saving money for the big move this summer. I'm moving home from Lansing by the end of this month. My family and close friends are supportive of all this, which is great. I'm trying to learn Irish, practicing guitar and singing all the time...the usual.

However, I recently caught a bad that I've had before, and one that I don't know if I'll ever be able to fully get rid of. It's the "Man, I really wish I had a geology degree" bug. Since as far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a geologist, specifically a paleontologist. Jurassic Park is my favorite movie ever (Dr. Grant, naturally, being my favorite character). I never got out of the dinosaur phase. If you know me or have read this blog for a while, you probably know that I tried going back to school last year in hopes that I could eventually get a degree in geology or some kind of wildlife science...and if you knew all that, you also know that I didn't follow through with it. I realised that it was better to get a job right now and save money. Glad I made that choice, but I still can hardly stop thinking about pursuing more education eventually.

I kind of feel like an addict...except it's to learning, not an illegal substance.

It's very likely that I will end up in a city called Durango. My new friend Andrew will be moving there once he graduates from Charis Bible College next year, and since my goal is to start an outdoor discipleship ministry with him, I don't see why I wouldn't also move there. My plan was originally to move to Colorado Springs from Michigan, then go to Durango whenever he did. However, I found a place called Fort Lewis College in Durango which looks like it has an amazing geology program, and it's really tempting me to just move straight there. Andrew would be able to help me find a place to stay, so that's not a huge issue. The real issue is whether or not I should try to go back to school...again.

Your prayers and advice are appreciated.



Luna Musings said...

Ahhh the allure of continuing educcation...I have the same problem with the Sequential Art eLearning program at SCAD.

My advice to you is research research research. Know what it's going to cost you verses how it will help you. See if there's any free courses out there (these are often available for homeschooling so why not?). Be as self taught as possible before going into paying ridiculous amounts of money. Make sure its still fun before you do that as well.

SocksofGranduer said...

Not saying you should read this whole comic, because it's pretty terrible, but this one particular one made me think of you.

Enjoy :)

Casey Butler said...

It's funny John...I actually recognize the sheet music from a Jurassic Park piano book I have at home...funny, or sad.

I may or may not have my own list, too...

Cameron Robinson said...

Weigh it out and pursue what you love. We talked a lot about pursuing knowledge for its own sake, simply because you love it in advnaced english studies last semester. I can't find a reason why it would be unwise, especially as a Christian who has a God that makes people do things that seem unwise on a regular basis. If you love and have the means to do it, then I'm in full support, along with my prayers brah...
