Saturday, July 20, 2013

Your kingdom come

"Your kingdom come."

Not my kingdom: His. Jesus did not tell us to pray, "God make my plans happen so I can glorify You through them." Nope. He told us to pray for the coming of His Father's kingdom. God's kingdom is already at hand and is here to some extent, but Jesus hasn't come back yet, so we are still to pray for His arrival.

 "Your kingdom come."

We also should pray for God's kingdom to continue manifesting here on earth before Jesus comes back. What is true about God's kingdom? There is no sickness, no pain, no oppression, no condemnation, no hatred...the list goes on. Although the fullness of these things won't be experienced until God's kingdom takes over everything and the world is made new, God loves breaking in and revealing bits and pieces of it to the world. Pray for this. Ask God for healing, for justice, for unity, for peace.

"The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come.' And let the one who hears say, 'Come.'"

Come, Lord Jesus.


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