Sunday, November 9, 2014

South-West Bound

Hello friends! Important events are beginning to unravel. In case you haven't seen me post about it on FB, you should know that I am applying for a crew leader position at the Southwest Conservation Corps based in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. I feel like I am definitely capable of being a crew leader per their qualifications, but at the very least I do not think I can fail to land a job as a crew member. In fact, I was initially planning on only applying for a crew member position, but the applications for that one are not open until December, and the leader positions are open now. 

If I land the crew leader job, I will be moving out of Michigan in April...possibly even March.

This puts things into perspective. I am normally pretty good with my spending, but now I see I really need to cut some frivolous spending. Start buying more groceries and try to kill my fast-food habit. Get rid of more stuff. I have been doing this one slowly with each new place I live in, but if I am moving out West, I hope to seriously downsize. This is not from some sort of obsession with poverty, because I like having money, haha. I want to live more simply, which is very hard in America today. My ultimate goal: be able to move across the country with everything I own inside my van. This may seem outlandish to some of you, but I was almost able to do this when I moved to Grand Rapids. I'm already selling off my bicycle and bass guitar, and I'll probably be giving a bunch of my clothes to Goodwill before I leave. 

Just a quick update. I'll probably be back soon to write more.


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