Sunday, April 25, 2010

End of semester...

So, here it it. Another end to a school year here at the Arb. I have several large final projects left, but other than that, not a whole lot. I'm really excited for my trip to Ireland and England coming up in less than a month...but it seems crazy that it's so close already. I've wanted to go to Ireland almost my entire life.

Went to Ann Arbor with some friends yesterday and stopped at this fantastic little bookstor called the "Dawn Treader." SO many old books! I've never been in a better bookstore. We picked up several poetry books which we're all really excited about. I personally am very excited to read a book of poetry by W.B. Yeats, especially before I go to Ireland. Yeats is probably the most famous of the Irish poets, and it might be nice to read up before I go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ireland sounds awesome, you be the first person I know that goes there.. so take lots of photos...Yep its getting to the end of year 3, and I have to hand it to you, I have seen you miserable, close to leaving the university, eating mac and cheese, getting the man van, Each day you have become stronger, more aware and most importantly appreciative of your surroundings. Eck you have a year left, amazing....