Saturday, May 5, 2012

Green walk

So, the past couple days have been really great. Thursday night, I was at my second job when some huge thunderstorms rolled in, and the sky was beautiful. Dark, foreboding clouds, blue skies, lots of rain, lightning, a golden sunset, and a rainbow...all at the same time. It was amazing.

The next morning, it was still raining quite a bit, but I found a break between the rain and took a walk at the Harris Nature Center in Okemos, one of my favorite places to get away in the Lansing area. Everything was green and covered in raindrops, and some of the shrubs were flowering beautifully. I originally went to go birdwatching, but after a while I had to put down my notebook and just enjoy it all. It was too good for pictures...almost too much for me to handle. It was that feeling of sehnsucht, the emotional moment described several times in Wapiti Wilderness; it made me tear up a  bit. A couple times, all I could do was just stand there and try to take it in, barely able to comprehend the beauty of it all, and yet at the same time realising that there is so much more...if the world can be this beautiful (and more so), then how glorious, majestic, awe-inspiring, and breathtaking must God be?

I can't wait to see.


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