Friday, May 25, 2012

Work ethic (Rated PG for brief mild language)

So, this is sort of a follow-up to my last post in that it's expounding more on some of the ways God has been pushing me to give up my "childish ways," as Paul puts it. Specifically, I've found new motivation to try to glorify Him in my work by doing my best at it. Now, this may seem like an old message (and it is), but it's a serious problem for me. I'm pretty skilled in the art of relaxation, which is great in itself, but when it overflows into my job, there's trouble.

Also...maybe this is only in my group of friends, but it seems to me like my generation is plagued by the spirit of half-assed work. I'm not saying all of them, because I know some crazy workaholics my age, but I think in general this is true. I know I have to push myself really hard not to cut corners in my job, take too many breaks, etc. This park ranger job especially could be really easy to do poorly, and I think God put me in it on purpose. One of the more obviously non-Christian guys I work with is also the guy with the strongest work ethic, and the only other person who I think may know Jesus happens to be the laziest guy on the crew. Funny how that works.

When I realised that the guy who doesn't express any hope for eternity was a harder worker than me, I knew something was wrong. God's timing is so good. All the other times I've heard messages about how Christians should work their hardest for the glory of God, I simply dismissed them because I was lazy. Now that God has been working in me and making me less lazy, I'm finally starting to get it (and WANT it). Honestly, just taking this much time to write this post is making me want to go do something more productive.

I just got done working about 52 hours this week, which might be the most I've worked in a single week, and I feel great about it. I know I won't always feel so good about working so much, but I know God is doing something in me which will last, something for my good and His glory. Now I just need to save money better, haha.



Luna Musings said...

I don't know if this makes you feel any better about taking the time to post this but it's something I needed to hear. I've been struggling with this too and as a homemaker without kids yet, it's really hard to keep doing things when there isn't a paycheck at stake.

God's really been working on me with this too as every time I turn around there's someone mentioning how important hard work is in one way or another. It's good to hear it from you because you have a similar laziness issue. Thank you.

SocksofGranduer said...

I feel like this is pretty much exactly why "Scott Pilgrim vs the world" hits so close to home for me. My high school graduating class was known as the class least likely to leave their parents basement by just about everyone in the school; including us.