Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm not quite dead yet!

So, apparently I have "stopped" blogging and need to continue in order to keep people updated on my life (at least according to my friend John, hehe).

Well, I just got back from a week at a camp called Bambi Lake. It was no Center Lake (the camp I worked at all summer for the past six summers straight), but it was still great. I was pretty concerned at the beginning of the week, but the camp and all the people there had really impressed me by the end of the week. Actually, I was most impressed by the campers I got to hang out with all week. I was a co-leader of a group of thirty middle schoolers all week, and they were a RIOT. By the end of the week, I actually got to see God do serious work in some of their lives. I loved it. One of the guys in the group kept asking me if I was coming back next summer. I wasn't really planning on it up to that point...but now I think I really want to go back again. It was awesome to see God working in so many different people's lives.

I could talk for quite a while about all that stuff, but while that was going on, my car was in the shop all week. The accident I got into really didn't do any serious damage, but there was a few important pieces which were just wearing out underneath and needed to be replaced. I had to drop nearly $600 for the repairs, but now my car is officially road-safe, even if it doesn't look it, haha.

This weekend I'm planning on going to a big get-together with my Polish family at Silver Lake Sand Dunes. I hardly ever get to spend time with this side of my family, so I'm pretty pumped about it. I'm also having a really early breakfast in Grand Rapids with one of my good friends and hopefully seeing a few others while I'm passing through in the morning (anyone reading this in GR: I would love to see you sometime on Saturday morning!)

Other than that, things are starting to get pretty normal again here in Lansing. This is a good thing, at least for now. I do love adventures and excitement, but it's the times when nothing special is going on that you can really start to grow closer to God. Those times during the "same ol' grind" are the times when I should be working on spending more and more time with my Father, my Lord, and my Creator. Now I need to actually be disciplined enough to practice what I preach. This would be a prayer request, in case you were wondering.

Also, I have a friend who lives in Colorado Springs, and if you've seen the news lately, you may know there are some crazy wildfires going on out there right now. It's starting to get pretty close, and they need rain really bad, so you should all ask God to send a big rainstorm soon.

Also also, I'm having my college graduation party on the Fourth of July next week (FINALLY), and, not gonna lie...I'm pretty pumped to get some cash. HA. I'm going to be taking on more of my personal bills soon from my mom (who blows my mind by how much she does for me), and my hours at Family Christian Store are going to be next to nothing all summer, and it will be nice to get started with a little extra.

 ALSO Also also, for any of my campers from last week who may read this, I'm sorry I forgot to put my phone number on the contact sheet (even though I bothered to write "no texting" on it, hahaha). You can find it by following the link in the "About Me" section on the side of my blog, then clicking the "About" button when you get to my profile page.

I think that is all for now.
