Sunday, August 19, 2012


So, this post is somewhat of an update on what God has been showing me lately, and somewhat of an apology to those who follow my blog. I've been reading through a book called "God Guy," which has been great so far. Just the other day I went through a section which talked about how the God Guy (that is, the guy who's all about God) shouldn't have resentment toward others. I'm kind of tempted to just block-quote the whole section here because it's so good...but I won't. In this section, the author points toward the book of Colossians, chapter three.

"Make allowance for each others' faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others." Col. 3:13, NLT

Among other passages the author used, this one really convicted me of how I've been resentful of certain people...and organisations. You can probably guess one of them based on previous posts.

I promised I would be done saying things about Spring Arbor University, but I have one final thing to add to everything I've said previously:

I'm sorry you've all had to read about my bitterness toward them for various reasons...and, with God's help, I've decided to get over it. I let my anger about certain issues control me and keep me from growing closer to God in my life.

Those of you who attend/did attend SAU, please pray for them with me. Pray that new students will find God during their time there and that the administration would seek God's will. Pray for Ron Kopicko and Chuck Webb. Pray for the professors and other staff.

If I can request this too, ask God to help me grow in love.


1 comment:

britta said...

You are transparent.
Something I've always appreciated about you.

I'll be praying for you, and for the school.