Thursday, November 15, 2012

More life changes!

So, I haven't posted in a while, I know, but it's because I wanted a few ideas more solidified before I sent them off to the internet.

I am very close to getting a great job. If everything goes through as it seems it will, in two weeks I should start as a delivery driver for a rent-to-own furniture company called Aaron's. On the surface, a delivery driver job doesn't seem to fit my MO, but the benefits, ability to save plenty of money, and transferability are all things I really need in a job right now, and park ranger jobs around here just don't make the cut. There's still a little more processing I need to go through before I'm officially in, though, so your prayers are still appreciated. Getting as far as I have already with this job is very important to the things I talk about next, so it would be really great to not have something fail now, haha.

Also, I've been giving more though to the whole "moving to Colorado" thing, specifically regarding the time frame and prioritizing the steps to get there. First off, for plenty of reasons you can ask me about somewhere else, I'm probably going to be moving home by the end of January. I'll still be spending plenty of time in Lansing with my church and other friends, but I want to be closer to family before I leave, and they take priority. Second, late August in 2013 is my goal for the move, so about nine months from now. Theoretically, this job should allow me to save enough money to move by that time. Since it's a large, nationwide company, I shouldn't have an issue with transferring to Colorado Springs (or somewhere close, at least), meaning I also shouldn't need much of a savings buffer so I can survive while I search for a job.

Lots of hypotheticals in there, if you didn't notice. I've spoken with my pastor (who is also my landlord) and my mom about moving home, but I will be spending the next few weeks praying about all of this. If you would, please pray with me about these three things:

1. The job works out and is as stable as it sounds.
2. I make the right decision on when (and if I should) move home. The date in my head is February 1, 2013.
3. End of August 2013 as a moving date.

Thank you.



Andrea said...

I see you do not mention camp in here at all....

Casey Butler said...

Unfortunately, yeah. I loved entertaining the idea of going back one more summer, but after thinking about it and discussing it more, leaving such a great job for a summer at camp wouldn't be wise. Not that camp wouldn't be more fun and more rewarding, but the transferability of this job makes it really valuable. Also, I've been looking for stability in a job for a long time now, and it would be kind of silly to ditch it after God finally provides it for me, haha.

I will definitely be at camp at some point during the summer, but it's unlikely that I'll be able to get a full week there, especially since a bunch of campers at (this is really sad to say) a different camp really want me to spend a week or two at theirs. This summer is going to be super hectic...but that's how I roll.

Andrea said...

Well that makes sense and is totally understandable. I've been praying for you about the job. It'll be great! God has sweet plans.