Wednesday, November 25, 2015


So, let it be known that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love spending time with friends and family, and it's just so much more relaxed during this time than at Christmas.

This Thanksgiving is the first time I've ever had to travel home for a holiday. At first, I wasn't really excited to go across the country again, but as soon as I landed in the Grand Rapids airport my opinions about it changed. Without getting into all the separate stories, I'll say that my friends have given me a royal welcome back to Michigan. Some people have expressed jealousy at what I'M doing with my life, but after hearing how things are going here...I'm pretty envious of them in return. It's all made me very homesick.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE where I'm at in life. My several previous posts about how happy I am...I'm not saying any of that is untrue. I'm really living my own dream. But damn, I've missed my friends and family here.

I spent some time verbally processing all of this in depth with one of my close friends tonight. For a lot of selfish reasons, staying in New Mexico for a while would be absolutely phenomenal. For a lot of less selfish (but still personally appealing) reasons, moving back to Grand Rapids is also a great idea. Either way, I know I would be very happy with my decision. I'm in a rather hard spot right now, and I know both Thanksgiving celebrations I'm going to tomorrow are only going to make it harder. At least I'm having this crisis right now, when I have time to think about it. Anyway, I'd appreciate any wisdom, thoughts, and prayers you can offer.

Really didn't think coming back to Michigan was going to be this hard on me.



Cameron Robinson said...

ST. Anthony The Great says, "In whatever place you are, do not easily leave it."

It's because the outer and inner interact with each other. And while there are pilgrims who keep inner stillness, a lot of us do not unless we are within a stable location. I'm guessing that you, like me and probably most people are the latter.

St. Moses says, "Stay in your cell and your cell will teach all you need to know."

Acidie, restlessness, was common among monks. It is like an intense form of boredom mixed with wanderlust. But Moses is clear here, that you can attain all you need, the fruit of the Spirit in whatever place you are if you stay there. I've often wondered why farming is such a strong metaphorical in image in the bible. Of course there were many farmers, but it also requires an attentiveness to certain place.

I think that we should travel and do that which is within our means to do if we so wish. But I think it's good to remember, that wherever we are, salvation and peace and joy are very near to us.

I think wherever you find yourself, you will attain peace and contentment if you pursue it in Christ (which you are). Your pangs are pangs and that is fine. Pangs do not always equate with regret. I'm sure that whatever your decision, you will be fine. In my prayers.

Casey Butler said...

Very wise words, and helpful! I actually am in a very stable place at Glorieta; I'd say this is the most stable my life has been since high school.

I can honestly say, though, that I've never actually been homesick before now. I've never lived very far from family, and I've always lived relatively close to my best friends. Visiting them really hurt when I realized I really did have to make sacrifices to move west. Didn't really hit me until this week. So, I've had a little time to think since I wrote this, and I'm in a better state of mind now. "Pangs" was a good way to describe it. I have so much going for me where I'm at now.