Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pre-Crowder show

Holla peeps! Tomorrow is David Crowder* Band here at Spring Arbor, and we're all pretty pumped. I've even heard there's a youth group from New York coming, which is a little ridiculous.

I have been doing a LOT of homework this week because I had several large projects due Thursday and Friday, and it's pretty much sucked the life out of me. However, one of my profs told us today that one of our assignments that would be due Friday is getting pushed back to Monday. PRAISE the LORD. I was sorely tempted to skip out on a good part of the concert to stay in my room and do work...even though I already bought a ticket and a bunch of friends are coming. It's been a long week.

I've been putting some small study into the Orthodox Church and what they believe as compared to Protestantism, and so far, I kind of like what I've seen. However, there's a lot of stuff I still don't understand, and stuff that I'm not sure that I can go along with, so don't go thinkin' I'm converting just yet, haha! It's not like it's a separate religion, least as far as I know, heh.

By the way, I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that one of my friends and I didn't seem to be doing so well in our friendship. That's changed, fortunately. It just took some time, a little initiative, and prayer. Things are going pretty well now. =]

I know it's still only February, but I'll be pretty excited when warmer weather is here to stay! I miss going on walks 'n' such in the evening. I realized the other day that I'm really really grateful for Spring Arbor, because here I can go for a walk anytime of day or night without anyone caring where I am or when I'm coming back. I can go out and listen to music, or just walk quietly and talk to God. Good times.

Anyways, I guess that's all for now. I've been itching to post lately, but I hadn't thought of anything to post until today. You'll probably hear from me again soon enough.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I am forgetful

I too often forget Who God is.

I too often forget what God is capable of.

I too often forget how weak I am without God.

I too often forget how much God loves me.

I too often forget that God is my Father.

I too often forget how much Jesus suffered for me.

I too often forget how well Jesus knows my own struggles.

I too often forget that God is always with me.

I too often forget that I have been freed from the sin which used to control my life.

I too often forget that this world has nothing for me.

I too often forget Who knew me before the earth was created.

I too often forget that God knows my thoughts, even though others don't.

I too often forget how much it cost my Father to see His Son Jesus die on a cross.

I too often forget how unworthy of grace I am.

I too often forget the Spirit that dwells within me.

I too often forget that there is a Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.

I too often forget that I owe God everything that I have.

I too often forget that I am a wretched sinner.

I too often forget that the world doesn't revolve around me.

I too often forget to love.

I too often forget that my body is a temple.

I too often forget to put others' needs above my own.

I too often forget to show true respect to my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I too often forget to view those around me as my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I too often forget about God.

I too often forget that faith is meaningless without works.

I too often forget that works are meaningless without faith.

I too often forget the kingdom of God.

I too often forget that I have given my life to Christ.

I too often forget that I need not be anxious.

I too often forget that I was bought at a price.

I too often forget that I gave up my rights in exchange for something better.

I too often forget that I have a Lord.

I too often forget that I am a slave to Jesus Christ.

I too often forget that God is what matters most.

I too often forget that I am nothing.

I too often forget that I need God.

I too often forget that God doesn't forget.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hey, so, I'm actually still continuing this's just been a little while, haha

So yeah. It's been a while, and I thought I would share a bit of what's been going on. Spring semester here at Spring Arbor started last week, and so far I'm really enjoying my classes. Being a Retreats and Camping Ministries major now, I'm in the religion department, which means a LOT more ministry and religion classes (go figure). This semester two of them are Biblical Interpretation (REL 220) and Philosophy of Ministry (CMI 210). Other than that, I've been putting some real effort into making God my main focus, and trying not to let myself be distracted by other things. I've actually been managing my time better lately, too, so I make sure that I have time every day to spend with God. ALSO, handed in my application for camp this summer to my boss Don when he came to the Arb to promote the camp last week! I'm pretty excited about that, too!

Now, for CMI 210, I just had to write out a short paper about my own philosophy of ministry (what a shock...). I'll probably get it back this week sometime, but I wanted to post it on here as well to get some feedback from anyone who reads this.

Ok, so that's that. For those of you who actually read all that, what did you think? I'm eager to hear your opinion, especially if you think that I'm incorrect in something that I said in it.