Monday, November 15, 2010


So, I guess I haven't blogged in a while, have I, internetz? Well, most things have been going pretty average lately. College is lame, as usual.

There are a few new developments with me, though. I have been working on memorizing Scripture, first off. How sad is that! It's a NEW thing with me...we should ALWAYS be memorizing Scripture and spending time in God's Word if we claim to know ANYTHING about what He's said in it! I just memorized part of the first chapter of the Gospel of John, and now I'm working on Romans chapter eight. It has been pretty tough, especially since I left my Bible at my camp this weekend (which is three hours away...). I would highly recommend memorizing large portions of Scripture as a life will really help change your heart, your perspective, and your actions. Think of a time when someone you really cared about sent you a letter, message, note, etc. Did you read it over and over again, going back to it later to really let it sink in? I have. How much more we should be doing the same with God's Word!

Speaking of things like that...another new development for me is that I've just recently entered into a new relationship with a friend of mine. I've posted about relationships on here before; my own failings in them, my feelings at the time, and what I want to do differently in the future. Well, in all my contemplations and prayers about my next romantic relationship, I did not actually think I would find myself in one as ideal as I was hoping for...but that's pretty much where I'm at right now. We both are taking it very seriously, and don't want to rush anything, which has been hard, but really great. Something which I would like to change, however, is how we spend our time together. So far, we've gone out to dinner a few times, bowling, watching movies, and just chillin on Mt. Beebe...but I would like for us to spend some time in the Word together, focusing on God. I'm planning on bringing this up the next time we're together.

If anyone still keeps track of my blog, I would really appreciate your prayers in this matter. I know from personal experience how badly a relationship can go when the focus isn't on God; I don't want to have that happen again. Thank you.


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