Saturday, March 13, 2010

O God Where Are You Now (In Pickerel Lake? Pigeon? Marquette? Mackinaw?)

So, I noticed something very interesting about what's going on in my life recently. Things are going pretty well right now. I seem to have my Spring Break planned out pretty well. I'm doing alright i my classes. Several summer plans are starting to come together. God has taken away some serious anxieties out of my life. So what's wrong? I need God badly. When life seems to be going great, we easily lose track of God. Last night, I realized how much I have lost track of Him.

God, show me how to completely depend on You when everything is fine.


Cameron Robinson said... and Jason discussed this before break...

Casey Butler said...

You should discuss it at me. lol.

Cameron Robinson said...

Jason was basically asking why things seemed so low (spiritually). I asked him if he thought it was a spiritual calm or a deadness.
It was deadness...