Wednesday, April 13, 2011


So, in my recreation class, one of my classmates recently gave a presentation on EQ, referring to emotional intelligence. She handed out questionnaires for each student to fill out on their own time to look at their personal emotional health. I just filled mine out, and the answers I came up with did not really surprise me. A quick summary:

I can have a good time, but it's hard for me to really find bliss or awe in activities.

I can accept the help and criticism of others, and am willing to be taught.

I can let go of anger quickly, but not very often.

It is very hard for me to be tender and compassionate.

I am generally very critical of myself, and easily become judgmental toward others.

I can easily express how I feel to people I trust.

That's pretty much it. This is how I see myself, at least, whether or not other people see those things as true. There was also space for a friend to answer the same questions about me; I think I will ask my roommate to fill that portion out. I also have another copy of the quiz I will be giving to someone else, assuming someone else is interested in taking it. Anyway, the point is that I recognize some of my better aspects which God has made (and built over time) in me, but I also see some areas where I need to let Him have more control. Hope this was a little insightful for others.


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