Saturday, December 12, 2009

I love Jesus.

So, almost a week ago, I left a post on here in which I talked about possibly going to the International House of Prayer next fall. Well, myself and three other guys on Ormston Three have been talking about this and praying like crazy all week because of it. Presently, there's a student awakening going on at IHOP University, and they've been meeting for six hours Wednesday-Saturday nights AND putting it on the web as a live stream. We've been watching this as much as possible and truly praying in the Spirit, and we've really been experiencing God's love, power, and will for our lives. Healings, both spiritual and physical, have already been happening among the guys on my floor, even in this small amount of time. It's crazy. With all of IHOP's talk of revival, we got tired of just sitting around here at Spring Arbor and praying for revival to just happen, so we decided to give ourselves to God and ask to be used for it. We hope that God will bring revival to campus soon; we're praying for it and living it out in the name of Jesus.

I guess that's the whole update for now. Ask me about it if you want to know more.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's due time for a revival at Spring Arbor! Keep believing. Keep preparing, all of you, cuz when God opens the floodgates, it's on!

This IHOP thing sounds sweet, can i get a link?