Wednesday, December 23, 2009


So, today I got my grades back for this semester. The song "Bad Day" comes to mind. Most of my classes went well, and I got good grades in general. In fact, I thought I was going to lose a scholarship for next semester, which would've been really rough; however, I found out that my GPA stayed above the minimum to keep it by o.o5 points. WHEW!

Unfortunately, however, the grade for the class which I thought was going to make me lose the scholarship (my Pentateuch class) was still pretty bad. I got a C- in it, which is totally what I deserved...but the most unfortunate part is that it's a required class specifically for my major, meaning I needed a straight C in order for it to count toward my major. Fail. I'm now in the process of discussing this with my academic advisor and fixing up my academic schedule to put in another class to fill the requirement. Not exactly fun, but I have learned at least one good lesson about myself through this. Just as I discussed in part in my last post, and as discussed by a friend of mine recently (, "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." I need discipline, and God has been pounding this fact into my head all day through my own actions and through my grade report.

Hope you get better grades than me, lol.


1 comment:

ernie said...

Well done, loosing a scholarship would have been the ticket of perhaps not returning due to lack of funds. I sense that GOD wants you to stay at the arbor and work a tiny bit harder. So change some classes around and let it happen.

Clothing to Goodwill, THAT is an awesome thing, from you and the guys in Ormston... SO hi to OKMUS when your there.

ON this Christmas morning, I am grateful to still be here, medically challenged though. have the friend that you are, and knowing that he will get us through. GOD always gets through, Have a blessed day

-- Ernie