Friday, August 19, 2011

Westward 2011, Day 1

So, today was a travel day. Travel days suck. Got to see some Lake Michigan dunes at Grand Mere State Park before we left Michigan, which was nice. After we got to Gary, Indiana, the traffic started to get rough though, and by the time we were just outside downtown Chicago, my mom and I were pretty much hating life. We're not really fans of big cities, and if we're just passing through, even less so. We traveled up Lake Michigan to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and then headed straight west to Madison, where we're staying tonight. A late start this morning combined with rush hour traffic and a ton of construction means we didn't make it to Minnesota like we had hoped to, but now we have good plans for tomorrow. We're going to make a stop at Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge, which is on the border of Wisconsin and Minnesota...meaning we're going to hang out in a very scenic area of the Mississippi River. Should be good times. Afterward, the plan is to stop in Mitchell, South Dakota, which is just west of Sioux Falls.

Here's some Chicago skyline for you:


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