Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Westward 2011, Day 6

So, today was a more chill day regarding travel. In the morning, we walked around one of a series of reservoirs in Beck Lake Park just outside Cody. There were tons of birds, several of which are native almost solely to Western sagebrush habitats, so it was pretty cool to see them.

After this, I started getting a pretty awful headache. This happens with some regularity with me, and I've been trying to figure it out this summer. During the afternoon, I rested and checked out possible reasons for this online. I've been thinking it might have something to do with barometric pressure changes, and some research today along with firsthand experience makes me think my hypothesis is accurate. I felt increasingly terrible in the early afternoon, then a storm rolled in, and as it left, my headache started to slowly subside. A lot of people online say that high barometric pressure can cause headaches, as the strong pressure can cause blood vessels in your head to constrict. Some people offered up some effective-sounding home remedies for it, but most sources agreed there is little which can be done about it, other than drugging yourself up. Sad day.

Anways, we couldn't really go looking around the town much today because of how crappy I felt, which was too bad. After I started feeling better toward the evening, we went for another walk around the reservoir. We took an alternate trail off the main paved trail this time and walked through the sagebrush. It was sweet. My mom suggested I look for job opportunities out here, and I'm inclined to think it would be a good idea. I love the scenery, the people, and the climate out here. It's been very hot each day, but the humidity is very low, which makes the heat a lot more bearable, and actually somewhat comfortable. I could definitely spend my life out here.

Tomorrow we're heading to Jackson Hole, spending the morning in Yellowstone. We'll be spending the next few days in the Grand Teton/Yellowstone area, so my lack of photos today will be made up for.

Here's my one picture for the day:


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